Higher Self Connection

Shakti: Awakening the Divine Feminine Goddess

Episode Summary

In this episode I talk about my experience in meditation this week and specifically what happened when I awakened my Shakti Energy. "Shakti is one of the most important goddesses in the Hindu pantheon and is divine cosmic energy that represents feminine energy and the dynamic forces that move through the universe. Shakti, who is responsible for creation and can also be an agent of change, is often manifested to destroy demonic forces and restore balance." - excerpt taken from Chopra.com "Shakti: A Universal Force". I am driven by inspiration always. I feel guided by my Higher Self or other Spirit Guides, Angels and Ascended Masters to the next step in my expansion and I had been asking for assistance recently. I had never studied Shakti before this experience, this was one synchronicity after another that brought me to Her. This is my experience.